
Singing is something that I enjoy and can be the most amazing sound or horrifying. So once again I am going to take you back to where it started. Singing goes all the way back the 13th century where they would sing falsetto. Just like beatboxing singing changed over time. But instead of focusing on the history lets focus on the actual sound of singing. There are different vocal ranges that singers can reach such as soprano which is really high in range (C4-C6). The second highest under soprano is mezzo soprano (A3-A5), after that is contralto (F3-F5), then tenor (C3-C5), and then baritone (F2-F4), and last is bass (E2-E4) which is the lowest range a singer can hit. Imagine the different sounds between bass and soprano, its huge. The way to hit those notes depends on your tone and that comes from your throat. Reading how your body allows you to get that sound out is amazing. I always thought though, is there a type of art that appreciates bad singing? Sorry a little off topic but that would be funny but odd. Unlike beatboxing I can actually sing (i think) but here are a few links that explains singing more. (

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