
A limerick is a a type of poem that contains five lines and follows the rhyme scheme of “aabba”. These poems can be funny, inappropriate, or make no sense what so ever ( This started out with an English humorist and a painter named Edward Lear. Edward Lear would make limericks and called one “A Book of Nonsense” ( I’m reading some limericks on this website ( and these are genius, for an example like the Albert Einstein one is followed the rhyme scheme but it made sense. Now this one ( it doesn’t really make sense and is funny. After doing this investigation I think this my favorite type of poem. This is because, one I am a sucker for comedy and limericks are known for their humor (like I’m known for my looks). But i think it is because of the rhyme scheme as it is like a nursery rhyme. Two how clever some of the limericks are like the Albert Einstein one, that blew my mind! All I have to say after this investigation is that limericks are awesome!

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